Lower Back Pain From Sit Ups Use These Exercises Instead And Get Abs

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If you suffer from any lower back issues or pain, you got to be careful because most ab exercises can cause even more damage to your back.

I understand this well because I suffered from debilitating lower back pain for years, and like most, I thought sit-ups were the answer.

I got that wrong.

Little did I know the ab exercise were making my back even worse.

If you want to get yourself some abs but your lower back hurts, I’ll show you what’s been the safest and most effective way for me be to work my abs.

Understand, you’ll have to test these exercises for yourself, if any exercise hurts your back, STOP immediately.

Before we get into this, I can’t stress this enough. In the quest to get abs, don’t destroy your back. Go easy, one exercise at a time.

Why Does My Lower Back Hurt When I Do Sit-Ups?

Because they are not safe.

Stuart McGill Ph.D. is one of the world’s foremost authorities on the lower back, advising people with the worst back pain, as well as world-class athletes who want to improve their performance by protecting & strengthening their backs.

When it comes to sit-ups according to Stuart…

“The spine is flexed into the position at which it damages sooner.”

Extensive studies done by Stuart have found, crunches and traditional sit-ups place 3,300 newtons (the equivalent of 340 kg) of compressive force on the spine when bent in flexion.

These forces can squeeze a bent disc’s nucleus to the point that it bulges – pressing on nerves and causing back pain, and potentially leading to a herniated disc.

Take a look at this video and you’ll see how he explains the danger of doing sit-ups:

Even if your back is in perfect health, sit-ups and crunches aren’t safe. They are useless because you don’t get abs from doing sit-ups.

If you’re living with back pain I’d suggest you invest in one of Stuart’s books. I did and just from reading his books and doing the exercises, I fixed my back. I’d paid thousands to physios and the like to fix my back. None did.

Are Sit-Ups Bad For Your Lower Back?

Yes, there are safer, more effective, and smarter ways you can get a great core workout done.

How Do You Stop Your Back Hurting When Doing Sit-Ups?
You don’t do sit-ups, because they are dangerous and they are not good for your lower spine. And more, they are useless.

Will 100 Sit Ups A Day Do Anything?

Probably destroy your back and give you back pain that affects your everyday life.

Understand, what you eat affects the visibility of your abdominal muscles and so does the type of training you do.

Strength training is critical because it builds abs. Take chin-ups, your abs are engaged. Lunges with the weight in one hand only, your core muscles are activated and work hard to keep you upright.

How Do You Get Abs Without Hurting Your Back?

Here’s the thing about abs…

Everyone has a set of abs, if you can’t see yours then that means fat is covering your abs. To get abs, you got to lower your body fat. What you eat and how you train lowers your body fat.

Clean up your diet. If you think your diet is clean eat 300 fewer calories a day, you need to drop some unwanted body fat.

There’s direct ways to work your core muscles and indirect ways.

And more…

You don’t have to lay on the floor and get into different positions to exercise your core muscles.

Some Indirect Ways To Work Your Core Muscles Are:

Note If your back hurts doing any of these exercises STOP immediately.

If you do have current back issues and pain, only attempt one core strength exercise a day.


Because if you did two or three exercises and your back hurts, which one did it?

Lunges With Weight In One Hand Only

Activate your core by tensing your abdominal muscles. Pretend you’re about to take a punch to the gut.

Because the weight is on one side of your body only, your core muscles must kick in and work hard to keep your body from buckling over.

This exercise keeps your spine straight and in a safe position, yet you’re working your core muscles.

Ring Rows With Your Heels On The Ground:

Here’s what you do…

Set yourself up so your body is on a bit of an angle.

Then pull yourself up keeping your body rigid and hold for a second or two at the top. You want your core muscles tense like they are ready to take a punch.

Do a few rounds of this exercise and you’ll feel your core muscles.

One Arm Dumbbell Or Kettlebell Bench Press

Sure you’re working your pecs here, but get this…

All the weights on one side of your body… which means your core muscles must activate to stabilize your body and keep you on the bench.

Direct Potent Ways To Work Your Core Muscles

Chin-Up To 10 Second Lower

Using a chin-up bar, pull yourself up and do a chin-up

Pause at the top for 1 second, then lower yourself down on a count of 10 seconds

Have a slight arch in your body, your legs are straight, and slightly out in front of you.

You’ll feel this one in your abs the next day.

L-Sit Holds

You can do this exercise using gymnastic rings, or on the dip bars, or even between 2 kettlebells.

If you can’t get your legs out straight and hold. Bring your knees up, and hold your legs at right angles.

This exercise activates your core muscles. It isn’t easy and you might only hold for a couple of seconds to start with. Rest, then go again.

Over time, you’ll begin to see muscles appear in your mid section

Ring Push-Ups

  • Using a set of gymnastic rings or TRX you set the rings up so they are a few inches off the ground
  • Then get into the push-up position holding onto the rings
  • Your feet can be on the ground, or you could have your feet elevated on a chair or bench so your body is parallel
  • Now do your push-up
  • When you get to the top part of the movement, hold this position for 5 seconds, then do another push-up and hold at the top for 5-seconds.
  • Repeat for 3-6 rounds.

Because the rings are unstable your core activates and works hard to keep you stabilized.

I’ll tell you this:

If you purchase a set of gymnastic rings and start working out with them 2 times a week, you won’t ever ask again what’s the best exercise for your core. With a set of gymnastic rings, you can work your entire upper body.

I believe the gymnastic rings are one of the most potent bits of workout equipment you could use for building a ripped upper body, great core strength, and sexy abs others notice.

Chin-Ups With Your Legs Out In Front

You can do this exercise with your legs straight out in front of you, or with your legs bent at the knees. Straight legs are harder and take a bit to build up to.

Chin-ups on their own work your abs. However, with your legs up your abs kick in harder and you nail your core.

Side Bridge

If you have back pain and everything you’re trying abs wise, just isn’t helping your back. Try this exercise. I’ll let an expert show you how to do it.

How Can I Work Out My Abs Without Hurting My Back?

Here’s the thing…

Back pain is crippling and you never want to do anything that hurts your back or causes more issues for you. If you’ve been living with back pain and back issues for a while, go easy with any of the exercises here.

If you suffer from back pain, I’d suggest you purchase a couple of Stuart McGill Ph.D. books, because he has full programs in his book. “Ultimate Back Fitness and Performance.”

With my back, no physio, chiropractor, osteopath, or whoever else I went to could fix my back. What I read in Stuarts books, then following the exercises laid out in the books I dramatically improved my back.

Stuart has worked with athletes who had busted backs, fixed them, and got them back to competing at the elite level.

I’m not a back expert, Stuart is.

But what I do know is, there’s all these people online telling you how to get six-pack abs but none of them are saying…

“Hey watch your back and did you know this exercise may hurt your back.”

Try some of the exercises I’ve gone through above, pick one exercise and do a couple of sets. Then see how your back feels when you wake up the next day.

Work your way through all the exercises. Then you’ll have a group of exercises you can use for your core workout. Importantly, you know they don’t hurt your back.

Do Sit Ups Burn Belly Fat?

No. You can’t spot-reduce fat by directly working an area. Spot reducing is a fallacy made up by the fitness industry. It’s a load of rubbish.

Clean up your diet and strength train.

Are Sit Ups Supposed To Hurt Your Back?

Yes, they are because they put pressure on your spine. If you didn’t watch the video earlier watch it now and see why they hurt your back.

Why Does My Lower Back Hurt When Doing Abs?

Do you sit down for hours working each day?

Are you carrying weight in your belly?

Because sitting for long hours and being overweight can cause back issues.

Also, tightness in the hip flexors can weaken your glutes, resulting in overworked hamstrings and lower back muscles, which leads to low back pain.

Your lower back can hurt doing abs because the movement pattern of many ab exercises is constant and excessive bending of the spine. This is not good for you and maybe the reason your back hurts.

Your Spine Is Supported By Many Muscles Which You Need To Strengthen

If you’ve ever seen a radio tower some of them are 100-200 feet high. To stop the tower from falling over cables anchored off them. Your spine has a similar setup.

Your spine runs up your back, and supporting your spine are all these muscles. If you have back pain you’ve got to strengthen the muscles that support your spine.

Here’s one way to do it:

The farmers carry is an exercise where you walk with a weight in one hand. This helps strengthen the supporting muscles in your back.

And guess what?

You’re working your abdominal muscles at the same time.

Why Does My Back Hurt When I Get Up From Sitting?

When you’ve been sitting for too long without getting up your body gets compressed. If you have any back issues, the longer you sit without walking around and having a little stretch the more your back hurts.

You’ve got to get up regularly and go for a walk, stride out, move your arms this helps realine your body after sitting for long periods.

Start alternating between sitting and standing. When I started doing this I noticed a big improvement in my back health.

Set a timer for 30 minutes. Then get up and go for a walk.

Tight hip flexors and weak glutes can cause lower back pain. Wake your glutes up by flexing them while you’re sitting.

How Many Sit Ups Is A Good Workout?


Sit-ups are useless and put you at risk of injuring your back.

What about doing the plank exercise?

It’s a dumb exercise that has little to no effect at all when it comes to you getting abdominal muscles. Any of the above exercises are more potent than any plank could ever be when it comes to getting abs.

Summary Lower Back Pain From Sit-Ups

The most important thing for you is a healthy back. If you suffer from any back issues or even if you don’t have any back problems. Sit-ups are not good for your back. Avoid doing sit-ups.

Your back hurts when you do sit-ups because the range of motion used puts pressure on your spin.

There are safer ways to work our ab muscles.

Here’s a few exercises you can do:

  • Chin-Up Bar Holds
  • L-Sit Holds
  • Ring Push-Ups
  • Chin-Up With Your Legs Out In Front
  • Side Bridge

If you suffer from lower back pain, pick one exercise and do it, then see how your back feels the next day.

Never try more than one new exercise at a time.


Because if you try 2-3 exercises today and your back hurts tomorrow, which exercise caused you issues?

For more ways to get abs head here.

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