Resistance Band Back Exercises

Resistance Band Back Exercises

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Resistance band back exercises are effective for building your back muscles.

If you’re after that V-shape look going down to a narrow waistline, more defined back muscles, then you’re in the right place.

That’s because the 7 resistance band back exercises you’re about to discover right here are potent muscle growers.

Now let’s rip in…

Resistance Band Back Exercises
#1 Banded Pull-APart’s

The banded pull-a-part is a great way to start your workout, you can warm up with this one because it awakens the muscles in your shoulders and back, and gets the firing and ready for what’s about to come.

How to do a banded pull-a-parts:

  • Grab a thinner band by both hands, this aggressive hold lets the band know you’re serious
  • Now hold your arms straight out in front of you, a closed fist, now pull the resistance band apart
  • Really squeeze your shoulder blades together
  • You can pause for a second or two when you’ve got the band stretched out

#2 One Arm Row

The arm you hold down your dinner with is probably stronger than the other one, to help fix this, we’ll use the one-arm row.

The great thing about this exercise is you’re isolating one side at a time, and you’re also engaging your core with this movement.

How to do a one arm row:

  • Attach your resistance band to a door-anchor, pole or even to your foot
  • Activate your core, (tense your abs)
  • Now pull back with the band and really focus on the muscles you’re working
  • You do one side, then repeat and do the other side

#3 Seated Row

Just as well they make resistance bands so they can stretch because if it was a chain the force you’d apply would pull it apart.

Yes, my friend the seated row is magnificent for growing your back muscles.

How to do the seated row:

  • Sit on the ground with your legs out straight in front of you
  • Put the band under your feet, grab the band in each hand now pull back
  • Pull your shoulder blades together
  • Focus on the muscles you are working
  • You can even pause when you’ve pulled the band back and hold for a second or two

#4 Standing Row


This is like the seated row, however this time we’re standing. It’s a different angle and we’re bringing in other muscles here as well. Because if the position, your glutes and hamstrings come into play to help stabilise your body.

How to do a standing row:

  • Stand on a band, grab the band in each hand
  • Bend forwards activating your core and stick your backside out
  • Now pull the band up

#5 Banded Reverse Flys

Get ready because you’re about hit “hyper-growth-mode” on your back muscles with this one. If you hear a noise during this exercise, don’t panic because it’s probably the sound of your back muscles growing.

Resistance bands don’t cost much so don’t get your undies in a knot about cutting one of the bands.

How to do cross over pull backs:

  • Anchor your band to a solid pole or door-anchor
  • Cross the band over, now pull back

#6 Lat Pull Downs

If the idea of that V-shaped wide back, tapering down to a small waist gets you drooling, then put this one on your breakfast menu.

How to do banded lad pull downs:

  • Attach your band to a door-anchor or bars or something well above your head height, you can put the band over a door.
  • Gripping the band in both hands like you want to tear it apart
  • Pull down on the band
  • Think about the muscles your working and really active them during this movement

#7 Banded Bent Over Flys

This one is like the cross-over-pull-backs however, this time your bending over.

How to do a bent over fly:

  • Stand on the band (a cut band is handy here)
  • Cross the band over, bend over, activate your core, then pull the band back

Use These 7 Potent Resistance Band Back Exercises And Grow Your Back Muscles…

Resistance bands are like any bit of gear you work out with, if you know how to use them, you get results.

There are hundreds of different ways you can use resistance bands and grow bigger muscles. Give these 7 potent resistance band back exercises a go and see the results for yourself.

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