Abs Workouts At Home

Abs Workouts At Home

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If you’re after abs workouts at home so you can build killer 6-pack abs for yourself, from abs workouts at home, then you’re in the right place… that’s because the following four exercises are effective for targeting and working your abs.

Abs Workouts At Home:
#1 Ab Wheel:

The ab wheel is super-effective for your ab workout at home, however, you’ve got to use it the right way otherwise you’re just spinning your wheels.

How To Use The Ab Wheel:

If you’re new to using the ab wheel, a word of warning… don’t rush in like a maniac, I’d suggest you ease your way in.


Because if you rush in like a manic you may do some serious damage to yourself, or pull a muscle.

Understand: The ab wheel isn’t about busting out super-high reps, if you’re doing super-high reps, you’re doing it all wrong.

Slow and controlled, you want to focus on keeping your abs under tension. When you pull back in the movement, it’s with your mid-section, not your arms.

A sample ab wheel workout:

4 x sets of 6 reps to start with.


Because for the newbie, this will work your abs just fine. And, as you’ve seen in the video above it’s not about high numbers, it’s about control, tension, and quality.

If you feel advanced or have used the ab wheel for a while you could do…

1 x 12 Reps, short rest, then 1 x 10 reps, short rest then 1 x 8 reps. You could even put a 2 second pause in when you’re in the stretched-out position.

Note: With any exercise you do, think about the muscle you’re working, focus on that mind-body connection.

Abs Workout At Home
#2 Resistance Band Abs Workout:

You can use resistance bands for abs workouts at home.

The twisting of your torso is a natural movement you do in your day-to-day life.

Now, we’re adding some resistance to this twisting movement with a resistance band … so you work your abs harder and make them grow.

How to do resistance bands abs twist:

What you do is, stretch the band out a bit so there is tension on the band, then twist your torso.

Check out the video to see how to do it:

Abs Workouts At Home
#3 Hollow Body Hold

Hollow body holds are an effective way to work your abs. In fact, it’s one of the main movements gymnast do, to work and build their core section.

The movement looks simple and even feels easy the first few reps, however you soon workout this is a movement that kills your abs.

How To do hollow body holds:

  1. Start on the floor, lying flat on your back.
  2. Extend your arms over your head.
  3. Straighten your legs out.
  4. Lift your shoulders and legs up, keeping your back firmly pressed to the floor. There should be no space between your lower back and the ground.
  5. Keep your core tight in the Hollow Body position.
  6. Then you rock back and forth

Abs Workouts At Home
#4 Gymnastic Rings:

Now we’re talking…

This is one hell of an abs workout at home if you can handle it. With a set of gymnastic rings, you can carve out an impressive set of abs.

The thing with gymnastic rings is, even when you’re doing a pull-up, your abs are engaged. Same with ring dips, and ring rows and any ring arm exercises.

Just take a look at male or female gymnasts who uses the Olympic rings, and you’ll see a killer set of abs.

Because the rings are unstable to use, more of your muscles are activated to help you keep your balance, which means 100% of your core gets switched on and worked.

Embrace the gymnastic rings and make them your secret weapon for killer-abs and a powerful body.

Take a look at this video and I’ll show you some basic ab exercises you can start with.


I just showed you how to build yourself some dominant ab muscles with the Ab Wheel, Resistance Bands, Boxing Bag and Gymnastic Rings.

If you want sexy six-pack abs, then I’d suggest when your workout at home for abs is about to start, you’re using one of these four exercises.

Another thing with building your abs…


You’ve got to have your nutrition dialed in, you can’t train and then eat rubbish food. If you can pull your food from the ground, pick it from a tree, or kill it, it’s healthy for you because it’s not processed food.


If you love drinking alcohol, try a 30-Day Challenge and don’t drink for 30-days. I did this at the start of the year, the first 12 days were tough but then it got easier and best of all, my abs became more defined.

Thing is, when you cut out alcohol your waistline shrinks rapidly.

Another thing you can do for your abs is…

Cook your own meals. Some people eat out at lot, it’s hard to control your weight and build abs when you’re not in control of your food.

If you feel your nutrition is messy, send me what you eat and I’ll take a look at it for you.

Understand, I’m not a qualified nutritionist or dietician, however I know what healthy food looks like and what works for getting in great shape. I can share some guidelines with you.

Fact is…

You’ve already got abs, it’s just that maybe right now they are covered with a layer of fat.

Just doing ab exercises isn’t enough to get you defined abs. And doing a tonne of cardio isn’t enough either to get you abs if you’re older than 30. You’ve got to be smart about the way you attack this.

With some solid ab exercise like I just showed you, healthy eating, strength training and some cardio, physically and mentally you’ll get and stay in the best shape of your life.

Now go do a workout.

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