5 Critical Weight Loss And Muscle Building Habits For Men Over 40

weight loss over 40

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If you want to look great naked, increase your muscles, lose unwanted fat, increase your energy levels, and enjoy harder erections, then here’s 5 critical habits you may want to inject into your life.

#1 Sleep

When you sleep that’s when the magic happens for your body. Your body produces its own muscle-building hormones while you sleep, including human growth hormone (HGH).

But get this…

If you want to lose weight, studies now show you need sleep, it’s harder to lose weight when you’re not getting adequate sleep.

How To Get A Better Nights Sleep

  • Go to bed at the same time each night
  • Read before you go to sleep
  • No screen time an hour before bed
  • Make your room as dark as possible, get new curtains if you need to go darker

#2 Strength Training

However you choose to do your strength training, you’ve got to push yourself and lift the intensity of your workouts.

You don’t have to go to a gym you can work out at home or in a park, but you’ve got to keep increasing the resistance on your muscles and the intensity.

The other thing is…

You’ve got to train smart for your body, if you have injuries from work or old sports injuries, be smart about how you train. There’s no point following a workout designed by someone who’s 20 years younger than you, has no injuries, and is muscle growers of some sort.

#3 Eat Clean Healthy Food You Prepare

Cooking is a basic survival skill, and more… when you cook your own meals you know and understand exactly what you’re eating, so this makes it easy for you to make adjustments, so you can lose weight and grow muscles.

If you currently don’t cook for yourself, that’s cool, because learning how to cook healthy meals is rather easy.

You need a protein source, some veggies, maybe rice or potatoes. Or another option is, you can have a protein source and a salad. See how easy that is?

If you cook and flavour your food with natural spices, or a healthy chilli sauce, then you’ll notice the unwanted weight falls off faster.

#4 Water

Water is the single most critical nutrient, yet most people live in a chronic state of dehydration.

You probably need to drink more water than you are right now because here are a few of the ways your body is going to thank you.

  • Healthier teeth and bones
  • Healthier digestive system
  • Healthier skin
  • Healthier joints
  • Healthier mind and body
  • And helps transport nutrients to your muscles and take waste away

#5 One Day Meal Plan And Free Workout

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