Abs At Home Exercises

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The beach suddenly exploded with excited sexual energy. Frenzied women surged forwards, screeching in almost sexual ecstasy, scratching and fighting to get past each other trying to touch his abs.

Standing tall and proud with his t-shirt now hanging in his right hand, two women fainted. Three more screamed. And sweaty hands with perfectly manicured nails grabbed at his abs.

It was just another average day at the beach for John.

Great abs at-home exercises for building sexy abs

Before I rip right in and have you peeling off your shirt at the beach, here’s what you’ve got to first understand:

If you’ve got a fat gut and you’re overweight, you can do these exercises I’m about to show you 24/7, and they won’t do jack-all for you.


Because you’re carrying fat, and you got to lose that fat.

How do you do that?

Strength training, walking, and a basic yet potent meal plan, because my friend… when you follow these basic principles, your waistline shrinks.

And another thing…

The 3 exercises I’m about to take you through are super-effective. Yes, they help you build a ripped, sexy, mid-section, however, they are part of a series of things you do, so you get yourself some beach-frenzy abs. I just mentioned a couple of those things above.

I’m telling you this now because some folks reading this are delusional characters who think, they do these exercises, eat poorly, drink a keg of beer a day and they should get an insane core, and overnight.

Hey listen…

You’ll get that mid-section women swoon over, and other men envy, it just won’t happen overnight or this week, but you will get them.

What’s exciting for you is, these 3 exercises make abs, because gymnasts use them, and take a look at the mad mid-section they have.

Now let’s rip in and take a look at these ab exercises you can do at home.

Hollow Rocks

Hollow rocks might seem easy for you at the start, but I tell you what, they soon set your core on fire. This is a movement gymnast use often and it’s great for abs at home exercises.

How to do Hollow Rocks:

  1. Start on the floor, lying flat on your back
  2. Then you extend your arms over your head
  3. Straighten your legs out
  4. Eyes up towards the ceiling
  5. Lift your shoulders and legs up, keeping your back firmly pressed to the floor. You want to make sure that there’s no space between your lower back and the ground
  6. Keep core tight in the Hollow Body position
  7. Begin rocking back and forth in a nice, controlled, small movement
    8 Your feet are not going up too high
  8. Your feet are not touching the floor


Cross-Body Mountain Climbers

It’s like a normal mountain climber, however with the cross-body mountain climber, you’re bringing your knee across to your opposite elbow.

How To Do Cross Body Mountain Climbers:

  1. You start in a push-up position
  2. Then you bring one knee into your opposite elbow, across your chest
  3. Make sure you keep your core nice and tight
  4. Shoulders are engaged
  5. Alternate knees
  6. You can start slowly, then increase the speed as you become more comfortable.
  7. If you’re not very flexible and you find this difficult, you can bring your knee into just under your hips
  8. Be conscious of the twisting motion you are doing with your body.
  9. You want to make sure you have a nice flat line from your head, to your hips, to your heels.


Reverse Crunch With A Twist

If Reverse Crunch With A Twist was a breakfast cereal, you’d gobble it down because it’s relentless on your core-section throughout the entire exercise, which builds your abdominal muscles.

How To Do Reverse Crunch With A Twist:

  1. You lie flat on your back on the floor
  2. Your legs are extended out straight to start
  3. Then you bring your legs in towards you, adding a lift and twist as you do so

This short video shows you what the 3 exercises look like in action:

Now it’s time for you to hit the floor for your ab-frenzy workout…

Ab-Frenzy Workout 3 x Rounds:

  • You do 30-Sec of Hollow Rocks then take a 10-sec rest
  • Then 30-sec of Cross-Body Mountain Climbers, then 10-sec rest
  • Then 20 Reverse crunch with a twist, then 10-sec rest
  • Then you start with your hollow Rocks
  • You do 3 rounds in total

Hey you still hear reading this…

Hit the floor and get after your 3 rounds, then let me how your abs are feeling.

And when you’re done with those ab at-home exercises, here’s more for you.

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