Are Home Workouts Effective? When You Use This (Completely Legal) Training Principle They Are…

exercises for home

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If you’re using an effective workout program and you know what you’re doing, yes home workouts are super-effective for burning unwanted body fat and building sexy muscles.

Get this…

Many people pay expensive gym fees, go to the gym all the time, yet don’t get any body-changing results. Because here’s the thing, where you work out doesn’t matter one bit.

What matters is how you work out and what you do in your workouts. When you know what you’re doing, and know what exercises deliver results. You could work out in a broom cupboard and still get a hot body.

And here’s the thing…

You don’t need to be an expert in exercise to get great results, all you got to understand are a few basic principles around weight loss and muscle building, and you’ll begin to see your body transform right before your eyes at home.

Stay with me here and let’s take a look at how you can get in great shape at home…

Which Is Better Gym Or Home Workout?

Let’s take a look at this from a pros and cons perspective.

The Gym


  • Has lots of equipment free weights, stationary bike, heart rate trackers etc
  • Usually have gym instructions that can help you out
  • Have strength training and cardio equipment and lots of dumbbells
  • Have classes you can join and access a personal trainer


  • You have to get dressed and travel to the gym
  • Easy to say it’s too far to go today
  • Aren’t the safest places with COVID-19 around
  • Other people using the gym may have low hygiene standards
  • Ongoing gym membership fees
  • Personal trainer
  • Air conditioned environment

Home Gym


  • Zero travel time
  • You can work out whenever you want
  • No membership fees
  • You can workout inside, or outside and get fresh air
  • In the time it takes you to get to and from the gym, you could have done your home work out
  • Peaceful
  • No unhygienic people around you
  • You own the equipment for life
  • An investment you make once


  • If you’re a beginner and you don’t own any equipment you may struggle to find enough exercises you can do so you get results
  • If not disciplined you can get distracted and do other things
  • For best results and investment in some workout equipment is required
  • No gym instructors

Okay, here’s a couple of things to consider…

If you’re prepared to make a small investment, less than $100 in some equipment for your home gym. You can triple the speed at which you get results working out at home.

Sure that may sound a little far-fetched now, however shortly, I’ll let you know what one of the best bits of equipment you can invest so you enjoy faster results.

Can I Build Muscle With Home Workouts?

Here’s what’s important for you to understand about building muscles.

Regardless of what form of strength training you’re looking at using, all types of strength training operate under the same ancient principle…. and that’s progressive overload.

To build muscle, you’ve got to increase the reps or add more resistance.

Muscles grow when you work them hard, which means working them close to their full capacity. Then, you give your muscles time to rest and recover.

Here’s a scientific explanation by Oxford University about progressive overload:

According to this basic training principle, training must include overload and progression to be successful. The body must be overloaded so that it has to work harder than normal. As the body adapts to a particular workload, the person should progress to a higher work level.

For example, to gain strength, the muscles must be loaded beyond the point at which they are normally loaded. As the muscles become stronger, the load has to be increased to stimulate further strength increases. The load should be increased gradually over a long period of training. If the load is too high, there is a risk of overtraining and overuse injuries.”

So how does this apply to you working out at home?

For this example, let’s say you can bust out 3 sets of 20 reps with push-ups. You could add more reps, or add resistance. You choose to add more resistance.

So what you do is, grab hold of a resistance band, put it across your back, and do your push-ups. This time you only get reps of 11 out. By adding resistance you made the movement harder, which means it forced your muscles to work harder. Which means, they have to get stronger and grow.

I’ll mention this about doing high reps…

If you’re over 40, busting out high reps all the time 15+, 20+ each set can lead to joint injuries. As you age, you’ve got to train smarter.

A 20-year-old without the wear and tear on their joints, 20+ reps is nothing. For a 40+ man with wear and tear from a sport he once played, or injuries from work. High reps are going cause issues for him.

One Of The Best Investments You Can Make For Your Home Workouts

I believe resistance bands are one of the best inventions in health and fitness in the past 20 years that actually delivers muscle-building results.

And more…

Even if you’ve never worked out before, the bands can quickly melt away unwanted fat and build strong defined muscles.

With a set of bands, you can do hyper-potent workouts at home. There’s no time-wasting or ineffective exercises. Each time you pull, push, or drive-up with your band, it force-feeds powerful muscularity into all the right places of your body.

Just hear me out on this…

If you can’t do push-ups it doesn’t matter because you can nail your chest and shoulders with a band.

Without any equipment at home, how do you work your all-important back muscles?

Fact is, for most it’s impossible. They don’t know what to do, or certain exercises that work your back are too hard to do. Not with a set of bands, you can hammer your back muscles, importantly you work the muscles in the areas love handles take hold.

What can you do is, anchor your band around your feet or to door-anchor then pull back on the band. Now you’re building those sexy back muscles and working those hard to get areas, you know the ones where back-fat grabs on.

From beginners to people who’ve trained for decades resistance bands are super-effective.

Does The 7 Minute Workout Actually Work?

If you’re using exercises that work every fiber of your body, and you work hard. In as little as 7 minutes you can get a hyper-potent workout done. Simply using bands or your body weight.

Thing is, if you don’t know what you’re doing and you’re making the workout up as you go, you’ll waste your 7 minutes.

Hey listen…

If you’ve read this far by now you’re starting to see you can get results working out anywhere you want if you know what you’re doing.

In 7-minutes you could do:

  • Lunges
  • Pull-Ups
  • Glute Bridges
  • Banded Seated Rows
  • Banded Seated Shoulder Press
  • And you’ve done a workout that’s going to burn fat and build muscles

What’s The Best Home Workout To Do?

The best exercise to do at home is strength training. Why? Because whatever health goal you want to achieve, and however you want your body to look, you’ll need muscle.

Want to know why?

Do you want to look years younger than you are? Build strong muscles.

Do you want to lose unwanted fat from your body? Build strong muscles.

Do you want to burn belly fat right off? Build strong muscles.

Do you want to live an active life and get around with ease well into 80’s? Build strong muscles.

Do you want your body to feel firm and tight instead of loose and wobbly? Get stronger and build muscles

When you’ve got strong muscles and less body fat, your body and health are a powerful force.

Let’s face it…

When you’re unhealthy you’re at risk of many more illnesses and whatever else comes with poor health.

Example Workout:

Warm-Up: Get your body moving grease the joints you’ll use. Some push-ups, squats, banded rows and banded RDL’s.

Body Weight Squats: If you find squatting difficult, do chair squats. Lower your backside onto a chair, then drive back up.

Lunges: Some might find that getting into the lunge position is easier than squats. Lunges build great legs.

Banded Face Pulls: Your band is anchored to a point out in front of you, then you’re pulling the band back towards your face and working back muscles in ways they haven’t been targeted and worked before.

Push-Ups: If you can’t do push-ups on your toes or knees. You increase the angle, you could use a kitchen table.

Banded Pull Throughs: (For your glutes). You anchor a band down low, with your back to the anchor point, grab the band and walk out so it has tension on it. Now bend over, pushing your backside out, this is a glute and hamstring exercise. From the bent-over position drive up with your hips.

I could go on for hours, but this gives you a taste of how you get results at home.

Can You Lose Weight By Working Out At Home?

Okay, let’s lay this out for you…

Yes, you can lose weight working out at home, and here’s one way you could go about it.

Start walking 5 days a week:

This could be a brisk 15-minute walk in the morning, and a brisk 15 minute walk at the end of your working day

Why walk?

Because physically and mentally walking enhances your health. And walking is a secret ingredient used by those in the know to get their body fat down to single digits.


You got to give your body a few good servings of strength training a week. Why? Because strength and muscle are critical for you. Without strength and muscle, everything in life is harder for you to do, and it makes it difficult to lose weight and get in great shape when your weak and frail.

If you’ve got some resistance bands you’re going to love what you can do with them, you’ll love how your body responds, and you’ll love what you see in the mirror.

If you got a kettlebell or dumbbell, even better for you. You can combine your weights with your resistance bands and make the exercises harder for yourself, which means you accelerate your results.

Working Out Is Great However You’ve Got To Eat Healthy Food

If your goal is to lose weight and build some muscle if you’re not eating healthy, or the right foods then you’re wasting your time.

Strength training + Healthy diet = a sexy healthy body

What should you eat? Here’s a great place to start.

Are Body Weight Workouts Effective?

Yeah, they are however if you can’t do pull-ups it’s difficult to impossible for most to target and work their all-important back muscles. You can get a good workout done using your body weight, as the home gym.

But you get a more effective workout done when you’re using weights, bands, dumbbells, or kettlebells. Even a weight vest takes your workouts in your home gym to a whole new level. A level where you get faster results.

Even a couple of dumbbells adds more resistance to most movements and accelerates your results. Bodyweight-only workouts sound organic, however, for the majority of people, your home gym goes to an exciting new workout level when you invest in a bit of gear.


Yes, workouts at home are super effective when you know what you’re doing and you own some basic equipment, like bands, or a few weights.

Understand you don’t need a lot of equipment. Start with resistance bands, and maybe a kettlebell.

If your goal is weight loss, do strength training at home.

If your goal is to build muscles, do strength training at home.

If your goal is a firmer, tighter body, do strength training at home.

You can fight me on this or you can do it and then tell me what you love most about your new body.

For more help and ideas on getting in the best shape of your life at home check these out.

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