40-Year-Old Male Tired All The Time Here’s How You Enjoy Endless Energy

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If you’re feeling tired, ragged, and low on energy, and you’re looking for simple yet effective ways to quickly boost your energy levels, then you’re in the right place.

Here’s the story…

I’m 42 years old, bounce out of bed before 5 am most days pumped full of energy ready to attack the day. But it wasn’t always like this for me. I’ll share more shortly.

And here’s the thing for you…

Understand, it’s not just “one thing” you do to boost your energy levels

When you reach the point where you feel tired constantly, there’s more than one thing causing issues for you.

The Good News Is:

If you’re prepared to look at this from a total lifestyle approach because that’s what it’s going to take to get you back to sustaining heat-seeking energy and pure lust for life.

I mention this because the biggest mistake most men make is this, thinking you only have to change, or do “one thing” and then. POW! Magically you have the energy of a thousand lions pulsing through your veins. It’s going take more than one thing to fix your low energy.

Understand, feeling constantly drained and low on energy can come from your physical or mental state.

Why Am I So Tired In My 40s?

Maybe you’re not looking after your health.

What’s your work-life balance like?

If you’re like the other men I’ve talked to, there is no balance, you feel it’s all work and no life.

In your 40’s you’ve been working hard for a long time, if you’ve got a family you have very little time to yourself and your always putting others before yourself.

Maybe you’re under pressure and stress from your work. If you’ve got relationship problems. If you’ve got finance issues. If you’re not getting enough sleep. These all suck the life and energy out right out of you.

When you add poor health to any of the following…

  • Heavy work schedule
  • Family
  • Work pressure
  • Stress
  • Finance issues
  • Depression
  • Feel like you have no real purpose

You can start to see why you might have low energy.

What Does It Mean When You’re Constantly Tired And Have No Energy?

It means you’re not looking after yourself, or it means there may be underlying health issues. You need to stop, find the cause or causes, and help yourself. Some of the best help comes from you.

Men are notorious for neglecting their health and usually, it takes a heart attack or some other type of health scare, before some men do anything about their health.

Get this…

I know of two men in their 40’s with known family health issues and these two men still didn’t take care of their health and get help. They both had heart attacks.

So what’s your health like…

  • Is your body fat high?
  • Do you have a big belly?
  • Do you do strength training?
  • Do you exercise daily?
  • Do you eat healthy foods?
  • Do you get a good night’s sleep?

If you’re didn’t answer yes to all of the above then this may be why you’re struggling.

Things like…

  • Poor diet
  • A lack of exercise
  • Low testosterone (diet and lack of exercise can see it nosedive)
  • Sleep issues (how many hours of sleep do you need? 8 is a great number to aim for.)
  • Insomnia
  • Depression
  • Medical Conditions

Earlier I mentioned you got to take a look at this from a complete lifestyle approach so you can find the cause of your no energy.

Feeling Tired All The Time Is The Symptom Of A Problem

We’ve got to look at what’s causing you to feel exhausted all the time. If you work long hours, you do little to no exercise, and your diet sucks. Then that’s enough right there to drain your energy levels, and it’s enough to make your testosterone take a nosedive.

Picture this…

You pull up to a fuel station and put diesel into your car instead of unleaded petrol which it takes. You pay for your fuel, jump back into your car and make it three meters down the road. Your car stops because of the diesel.

When you make poor food choices, it’s like filling up with diesel instead of unleaded.

Getting older means, men must make sure they look after themselves. And quality sleep is right up there with direct links to increased energy levels.


You’ll find plenty of doctors who’ll tell you, you’re tired all the time because you’ve got low testosterone. And yes, it’s true, as you age your testosterone levels decrease. However, they decrease much faster when you don’t take care of your health and your diet is poor.

Doctors make money prescribing testosterone to you. Would you be better off first getting your diet and exercise right, losing some weight, and get some sleep, before you start consuming prescribed testosterone?

I don’t know… maybe.

Because get this…

A healthy diet increases testosterone levels and strength training is proven to increase low testosterone levels.

Work on your diet and strength training first, so your body starts working the way it should, then consider the option of going down the prescription testosterone if nothing else works.

How Can I Boost My Energy After 40?

Here’s a few things you can do to boost your energy levels:

  • Reduce Stress
  • Reduce workload
  • Eat for energy
  • Strength train
  • Reduce body fat
  • Limit alcohol
  • Drink water
  • Downtime
  • Sleep
  • Have more sex

Mental Health

If you’ve got relationship issues, going through a divorce, under pressure at work, lost a job. These all place a significant impact on your energy levels. And more, they give you emotional exhaustion.

I’m a high-energy man, years ago now went through my divorce it sucked all the energy out of me for a solid 8-month period.

Do not underestimate how your mental health affects your day-to-day energy.


Do you ever put your phone down and go sit in a quiet room and read a book? If not, try this old-world thing called reading a book and feel how it positively recharges your mind and body.

Because here’s the thing…

Constantly staring at a screen and or addicted to your phone is an energy-draining activity. If you don’t think so, try going without your phone.

Reduce Body Fat

Imagine strapping concrete slabs to a Ferrari, then hitting the race track. How do you think the car would handle now? It’s hard to have heat-seeking energy levels if you’re carrying around extra body fat.

Being overweight causes fatigue as well as countless other health issues for you. If all you can do is 30 minutes of exercise a week. Great. Start with that.

A Mission

Never underestimate the importance of a man having a mission in life. Maybe you feel like your life is just going through the motions and you have no real mission.

A man needs a mission. It’s not about saving the world or anything like that.

In the book “So Good They Can’t Ignore You Why Skills Trump Passion in The Quest for Work You Love.”

Carl Newport the author says…

“To have a mission is to have a unifying focus for your career. It’s more general than a specific job and can span multiple positions. It provides an answer to the question. What should I do with my life? Missions are powerful because they focus energy toward a useful goal, and this in turn maximizes your impact on your world – a critical factor in loving what you do.”

If you hate what you do, and who you work with, that’ll fatigue you fast.

How Can I Boost My Energy After 40?

What’s your diet look like, are you eating plenty of protein, vegetables, healthy carbs fruit, and unprocessed foods?

Often men feel a significant boost in energy level when they make simple changes to what they eat.

And more, helping men over the years I’ve found many simply don’t eat enough protein or veggies.

Do Energy Levels Decrease With Age?

My dad is 75 years old and still runs a farm. When I work with him on the farm he doesn’t have the energy levels he once did. If we do a big day’s work, or back-to-back days, it takes him a couple of days to recover. Mind you, there are millions of 75-year-old men who couldn’t do the work my dad does.

Yes, it’s normal to have less energy as you age, however, if you don’t take care of your health, if you don’t strength train, if you don’t get good sleep. What happens is, your energy levels are much lower than they should be.

Get A Medical Check-Up

If you’ve adjusted what you eat, that means the food you eat would be considered healthy if a nutritionist had a look at it.

If you’re strength training a couple of times a week. You’re walking every day. You’ve lost fat. Your muscles show.

If you’re still feeling tired all the time go get a medical check-up. Get your blood pressure checked. Maybe it’s high or lower blood pressure, who knows what until you get some test done.

Do You Get More Tired In Your 40s?

If you’re not enjoying yourself, you’re working big hours, you drink too much, and your health is rubbish. Yeah, you get more tied in your 40’s.

Understand, your body is the most valuable asset you own. If you neglect and abuse it, you’re going to start seeing issues in your 40’s and beyond. Your energy is one of those things that suffers.

You get more energy when you look after yourself.

How Can I Increase My Energy Levels As I Get Older?

Train to get stronger, that means you do some form of strength training. Could be working out with gymnastic rings, kettlebells, dumbbells, or resistance bands.

Why is this important for you?

Because muscle mass is critical for you as you age, and if you’re not doing strength training your muscle mass is wasting away.

Get your nutrition right, I’ve mentioned this a few times here because it’s that important for you.

What you eat is either making you healthier and giving you endless energy. Or it’s making you unhealthy, ragged, and tired.

  • Meals that make you tired – a big bowl of pasta, pizza, constantly eating take-out food. Never cooking your own meals.
  • Meals that boost your health and increase your heat-seeking energy levels – Protein source with 3-4 vegges. Protein source with salad.

Get More Sleep At Night-Time

If you take daytime naps then you can’t sleep at night, cut out your daytime naps. You want to all your sleeping of a night time. If you’re in your 70’s then sure, a daytime nap is acceptable.

I know myself, if I have a late-night I’m tied the next day. So, I go to bed early, and at the same time each night.

What’s Happening In Your Life Can Drain Your Energy And Make You Constantly Tired

Men who seem to have everything can look at their life and feel it has no meaning. Men with little can look at their life and feel they should have more at this age. Never compare yourself to other men.

If men feel their life has no purpose or direction this can make men feel constant fatigue. This is why at the start I said you got to take a look at this fatigue thing from a complete lifestyle approach.

Because here’s the thing…

You can have great health, be in peak condition, your T-levels are great, your nutrition is spot on… yet… you can still suffer from constant tiredness. It makes no sense right?

But financial issues, relationship issues, a lack of direction in life might be the cause of you constant fatigue.

You can fix feeling tired and lethargic by taking a complete look at your life. Look at your life and health from every angle. This is important and you’ll must do this to uncover your fatigue cause.

Start by answering all the questions you see on this page.

Before You Turn To Vitamins and Supplements

Taking vitamins or supplements won’t fix you if you haven’t made changes in other areas of your life.

Tired is one of the symptoms of some problems in your health or life. If you don’t treat the source you’re wasting your time. It’s like pulling out weeds, you get the best results when you pull out the whole plant including the roots.

Make sure you look at your health, life, and mental state before shoving pills and powders down your throat. Maybe one of the best things you could do is increase the sleep hours you enjoy.

Eat More Protein:

Harvard Health Publishing shows…

“A recent study in the journal Nutrients suggests a daily intake of 1 to 1.3 grams (g) of protein per kilogram of body weight for older adults who do resistance training. For example, a 175-pound man would need about 79 g to 103 g a day. If possible, divide your protein equally among your daily meals to maximize muscle protein synthesis.”

How Can I Increase My Energy Levels In Old Age?

Put your health at the top of the list of things you got to take care of. Eat natural, clean healthy foods. Strength train. Walk daily. Sleep. Drink plenty of water. Laugh. Have a mission. Hang out with other men.

If Fatigue Symptoms Persist Seek Medical Help

For whatever reason, it takes bad health, or health scare before men seek medical help. We can have all types of crazy symptoms, symptoms that’d scare a wild lion, yet we’ll give it a few more days before we seek medical help.

If the hideous symptoms of general tiredness and constant lack of energy persist even after you’re overhauled your health and life, stop reading information online and go see a real doctor.

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