Lose Weight After 40

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Imagine the world you existed in was like this…

Food was intentionally kept scarce, and poor fitness was cause for ridicule. And not only that, you had to prove your fitness as a man.

How long do you think you’d last in a world like this?

Most men today couldn’t last in such a world. That world was once real, and existed for Spartan soldiers. In fact, tests far more brutal than the above were part of a young boy’s life before the age of 10.

My friend, we don’t need to go all Spartan on you because with a little discipline, action, and a simple yet effective plan, losing weight after 40 is done like this.

Strength train, you need muscles, because building muscles solves 80% or more of your problems. The more muscles you have the less fat you have.

Stop shoveling shit food into your mouth. Learn to cook your own meals. Whatever you’re eating you need to stop eating it right now. You’re eating too much takeaway food, or too many processed foods, or your servings are too big, or you’re drinking too much alcohol, or you are addicted to sugar. You may even be doing all of this. Most are.

If my direct approach here feels like you’ve taken an ax handle to the forehead, I make no apologies for this. I want to help you, I know how to help you, and lying to you isn’t helping you.

Hey listen…

When you lose weight you’ll feel more confident, have more energy, and your erections will harden-right-up.

Now let’s keep moving along here…

If you’re searching for an instant fix or some “special diet” you’ve arrived at the wrong place. What’s needed here is a manly approach, with manly food and training so you can easily make this part of your lifestyle.

Here’s how lose weight after 40…

Strength Training:

You’ll be strength training 3-4 days a week.

You don’t need to go to a gym, you can do this at home or in a park. At home workouts, or working out in the park are excellent for you. The more you can get yourself outside and into the sunshine and do a solid workout, you’ll get both physical and mental gains.


Walking is excellent for your health, it gets you outside in nature breathing fresh air. You’ll be walking 7 days a week from now on.

It’s good to go for a walk first thing in the morning as soon as you wake up. If you can get 2000-5000 steps early, then you’ve started the day right. You can walk after your dinner, this is more of a leisurely stroll. Because you want to lose weight you’ve got 10,000 steps a day to aim for.

If you drive everywhere, take fewer car trips and walk to more places. If possible walk to the grocery store, then carry all your food home.

How To Eat To Lose Weight After 40

Cooking is a basic survival skill if you can’t cook you need to learn how to cook for yourself. If someone currently cooks all your meals for you, they are now sacked and you’re the cook.

A man learns much about food and himself when he’s cooking. What should you eat to lose weight after 40?

You’ll want to get yourself straight onto this…

Other things to help you…

Remove temptation from your house:

I love beer, if I have it in the house I’ll drink it, so I don’t have it in the house. If there are foods and drinks you struggle to say no to, and they aren’t all that healthy for you. Help yourself and don’t have them in the house.

Here’s the thing…

Right now, there are a few things you’re doing and eating that aren’t helping you. You’re smart, you know what they are. So, if you cut a few of those things out right now, start strength training and get on the one-day meal plan, you’ll notice the weight falls off you, your waistline shrinks, and your belt goes in a notch or two.

Losing weight after 40 becomes easy when you follow the one-day meal plan.

Now lets get you losing weight and building muscles…

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