How Do You Lose Belly Fat Over 40

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If you want to lose unwanted belly fat, keep it off for good, and you don’t have a lot of time to work out, then you’re in the right place. That’s because…

In this fast-to-read article about losing visceral fat, you’ll discover no-nonsense, fast, and effective ways to unlock fat storage cells, so you lose belly fat, reduce stress, improve your health.

And, you can do it without dieting, without starving yourself, and without endless hours of cardio.

Sound good to you?

Great because…

If you’re prepared to make some small changes, you’re consistent with your actions, and you’re patient, you’ll lose your unwanted belly fat.

Now let’s get going…

What Causes Fat Storage?

Poor nutrition, low physical activity levels, lack of resistance training, alcohol, unhealthy lifestyle choices. You only need to do a few or all of these things just mentioned above, and weight gain becomes all too easy.

Fat gain becomes near impossible when you eat clean healthy foods and work out doing some form of resistance training.

Fastest Way To Lose Belly Fat Over 40

Get your nutrition sorted out, because the fastest way to lose belly fat is what you eat.

What you eat is making you fat, or lean.

What Exercise Burns The Most Belly Fat?

This question gets asked by millions of people. I understand why, but it’s the wrong question to ask.

Let me explain…

Bashing your body with exercise to lose fat is a slow process and one you probably won’t enjoy it. Even quit.

Do you want to know how to lose belly fat fast?

Clean up your nutrition and start strength training. Because what you eat is far more important than any exercise you do when it comes to belly fat loss.

In fact, get this…

You don’t even need to exercise to lose fat, you can lose fat by controlling what you eat. So why bother exercising? Because it speeds up the results, builds muscle, and helps you physically and mentally.

When it comes to your nutrition, if you eat low-quality foods, like processed foods you’ll make it difficult for yourself to lose fat. We’ll get to what to eat in just a moment, first:

Strength Training Is The Best Exercise To Do


Because you’re building muscle that helps you burn fat, and importantly, you’ll shift that visceral fat around your organs.

When you build muscle and get stronger your body looks athletic, your body becomes firm, tight and physically developed, and you won’t have wobbly parts that wobble around. Resistance training makes weight loss that bit easier for you.

And more…

If you’re trying to lose weight and you don’t strength train, you’re at high risk of losing muscle mass. You don’t want to lose muscle mass, because then you’re affecting your body’s ability to burn fat.

Not only that, as most people age they get weaker, fall over, or need walking aids. Much of this can be avoided if they do resistance training throughout their life.

If you’re interested in reducing your risk of high blood pressure, weight gain, and heart disease resistance training helps.

What Are Some Good Strength Training Exercises?

  • Lunges
  • Squats
  • Step-ups
  • Dips
  • Push-ups
  • Banded Rows
  • Banded Face-Pulls
  • Banded Shoulder-Press
  • Chin-ups

Understand: If you only do cardio and no strength training, your muscles shrink, your body looks soft and weak, and you struggle to lose unwanted belly fat.

How Can I Lose Tummy Fat Fast?

Starting right now, write down everything you eat over the next 4 days. Don’t leave anything out. This is for your eyes only. At the end of the 4 days read back over what you ate.

I have people tell them they feel embarrassed, upset, disgusted, or sad by what they read. That’s okay, you’ve got a starting point and we can move forward from there.

Because here’s the thing…

The fastest way to shrink your stomach is to clean up your nutrition. We get fat because of the foods we eat. Cut out 95% of processed foods from your diet.

Forget about going on a diet or anything like that. What’s great for fat loss is clean healthy meals that are simple to make. And here’s something else.

Eat Similar Meals

If you eat similar meals it makes it even easier for you to lose unwanted belly fat. Think of it like a one-day meal plan you keep on using over and over.

With similar meals…

Lunch and dinner a similar: The meals are made up of a protein source with 3-4 veggies and some sweet potato or rice. Sweet potato and rice don’t need to be in every meal.

Meals are flavoured with natural spices or a chilli sauce without sugar in it.

If you eat clean protein sources with veggies. And you ate like this, 6 to 7 days a week, then it’s almost impossible not to lose weight.

Understand, what you eat has the biggest impact on your weight loss.

Sure, the meals might seem simple and basic to some, and that’s the point. It makes it easy to make, you don’t have to think to hard about it, and its easy to make any adjustments so you keep on losing weight.

If you’re carrying fat and you’re training hard and you’re consistent, but your nutrition is poor, you’re wasting your time.

Eat clean natural wholesome foods as close to their natural state as possible, strength train, keep this consistency up for 6-12 months and you’ll get results you love. And you’ll love looking at yourself in the mirror.

How Can I Boost My Metabolism After 40?


This metabolism crank-up thing is not worth getting too caught up on. Healthy people in great shape never say, “I need to increase my metabolism.”

You know what healthy people focus on?

Eating clean healthy food, strength training, and doing some form of exercise everyday.

I understand you want to lose weight, maybe you’ve reached that point where the unwanted fat must go and now. And now you’re in a hurry to get rid of it.

Here’s the thing…

You’re not going to magically dial-up your metabolism X number of levels and turn your body into a fat-burning furnace.

Instead of focusing on your “metabolism” focus on creating new healthy habits and living a healthier lifestyle.

Example: Eat clean healthy foods you cook. Eat fruit. Strength train, and do some form of exercise daily, go for a walk.

If You Drink Alcohol, Go 30-Days Without A Drink


Because if you’re trying to lose unwanted body fat alcohol makes it difficult to near impossible for you. Your body has nowhere to store alcohol, so when you drink and eat, the alcohol is the first thing your body burns off, and the food gets stored as fat.

Plus if you’re drinking, you’re consuming extra calories which means your body never gets into a calorie deficit, which means you don’t lose fat.

If you eat out a lot, or you eat heaps of takeaway food, stay home and cook your own meals. If your partner cooks for you, start cooking your own meals this is how you get a better understanding of food and you can control your weight loss.

Strength Train:

If you want to look years younger than your age, if you want to look firm, tight, and sexy, if you want to lose ugly fat. Do some form of resistance training because this is the secret to you unlocking your best body ever.

Get this…

If all you did was clean up your nutrition, ate similar meals and did weight training, the fat would fall off you and you’d be grinning like the dog who ate the eye-fillet steak.

You don’t even need to do cardio to lose weight. So why do cardio? Cardio is for your heart and good for your mental health.

Resistance Training At Home

Working out at home you could start off with bodyweight exercises, however, I’d suggest you get yourself a set of resistance bands.


Because you can work your entire body more effectively. With bodyweight-only exercises, most people are limited to a few exercises because of strength and other issues.

Cut Out Sugar

Too much sugar makes you fat, it’s pure energy, and if you’re carrying fat, then consuming sugar isn’t going to help with weight loss.

If you add sugar to your coffee or tea, you have no appreciation for those drinks all you’re doing is making them a sugary drink.

How Does Blood Sugar Affect Weight Loss?

When blood sugar (or glucose) is high, your pancreas is triggered to produce more insulin to move that sugar out of your blood and into your cells. That’s a problem for weight loss because your body only burns fat when it senses insulin levels dropping.

As you can see, you’re best to avoid sugar if you want to make losing belly fat easier for yourself

How Can I Lose My 40 Inch Belly?

  • Eat similar meals – protein source with 3-4 veggie
  • Drink water
  • Strength train
  • Walk daily
  • Stay away from diets
  • Strength train (yeah I mentioned it again because it’s critical)
  • Commit to creating and living a healthy lifestyle
  • If you drink coffee full of milk, don’t
  • Get more sleep
  • Go for walks in nature
  • Use your car less and walk more
  • Get off your phone

Here’s the thing…

Focus on creating new healthy habits, and living a healthier lifestyle.

  • If your week is hectic and your food choices a poor to average. Ask yourself what can you do to make some changes?
  • If you don’t go on any walks during the week, what can you do to find time to go on walks?
  • If you’re not strength training. Start.
  • If you’re not drinking much water of a day, what can you do so you drink more water?
  • If you’re going to bed late and waking up tired. You’ve got to find ways to improve the quality of your sleep.

Small adjustments to your week and daily habits lead to you creating and living a healthier lifestyle which helps you lose fat, keep it off, and live in great shape all year round.

Wrapping Up How To Lose Belly Fat After 40

Eat clean wholesome foods that are as close to their natural state as possible. Because cleaning up your nutrition gives you the fastest fat loss results.

Strength train, because muscle mass is critical for you. As you age if you’re not strength training you’re losing muscle, getting weaker, and your body stays soft.

At the very least get a set of resistance bands because there are hundreds of different exercises you can do. Resistance exercises that burns fat, build muscles and gets you in great shape.

Drink water, it’s surprising the number of adults who don’t drink enough water.

Get more sleep. Research has now proved a direct link between a lack of sleep and obesity and being overweight.

Walk daily. You can walk anywhere anytime and it’s free. And you know what? Walking is like the combination for the weight loss safe when you use it with resistance training and clean eating.

When you eat clean, strength train, and walk. Unwanted body fat disappears from your body. These are simple weight loss principles when used over time, and used consistently, give you a great body. And a body you’re proud of.

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