Do Resistance Bands Break?

bands snap

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Resistance bands are a powerhouse bit of training equipment because they build muscles and help you lose fat.

Made from latex rubber with the ability to stretch and create muscle-building force, which studies show is similar to weight training. However, if not used correctly or looked after, resistance bands may snap and injure you.

Let’s take a look at how you can avoid serious injury and what you need to become aware of when training with resistance bands, so you stay safe and get great results.

How Long Do Resistance Bands Last?

There’s thousands of companies selling resistance bands and the bands vary in price. Which means, the quality of the bands varies greatly, and this makes it difficult to say exactly how long bands last.

You could expect a quality set of bands to last 2-5 years. I personally have a set of bands I’ve had for close to 5 years now. The bands get used 3-4 times a week, week in, week out. I’d expect to get a least another 6 months or more out of some of the bands.

The thicker the resistance band is the more durable it is. With thinner bands, it’s easier for them to wear and tear.

Do Resistance Bands Wear Out?

Bands are made from a durable latex rubber, however, over time from constant use, the bands may wear and tear. Just like a car tyre wears out from all the use, so will bands.

If you treat your bands poorly, use them on rough surfaces, and don’t store them correctly they wear out much faster.

Will Resistance Bands Break My Door?

If you attach the bands to the door handle, sure they can break your door. If you attach the bands to the door incorrectly, they can break the door.

The safest way to attach your band to a door, so you can safely do your exercises is:

  • Stand on the side you close the door
  • Then using a door-anchor (you can buy these with your bands) position the door anchor at the top, or the bottom. The position depends on what exercise you’re about to do.
  • Now close the door, so your door-anchor is now wedged in the door frame
  • Now attach your band to your door-anchor
  • Warning: DO NOT set your door-anchor up so you’re are pulling your band in the direction the door opens. Why? Because set up this way, the only thing stopping the door from flying open is the little locking mechanism in the door.
  • When you pull your bands in the direction the door closes the door frame takes the force, not just one tiny point in the lock.

What Causes Bands To Break?

There’s a few things that can cause bands to break and shorten the bans lifespan.

For example…

Poor Attachment Point:

If you put a band around a sharp or rough edge this can cut, tear, or break the band. A sharp edge against a band acts like a knife slicing a tomato.

Incorrect Choice Of Band Resistance Level

If you use too small a band when the exercise calls for a bigger band, you’ll break or damage the weaker band over time.

Poor Quality Band

If it’s the cheapest on the market, there’s a reason why. The best quality product made from high quality materials, sold at the cheapest price mathematically doesn’t make sense because quality material costs money. It’s best to pay a little more so you avoid any nasty injuries.

Leaving Bands In Direct Sunlight

When you’ve finished with your bands don’t leave them lying around in direct sunlight. The suns damaging UV rays penetrate deep into the band and rapidly shorten the bands lifespan.

Dropping Weights On Bands

Using bands with weights is a super-effective way to train, because bands stop any momentum from building up. Because the band creates more force the further it’s stretched.

If you drop weights onto the band the edge of the weight can cut, tear, or weaken the band.

Grinding Bands On Rough Surfaces

If you’re standing on your bands on rough surfaces doing exercises you’re going to wear your band out. X-Walks are one exercise that destroys your band over time. Instead of X-Walks get a band that goes around your legs and then do X-Walks.

Using One Band To Train Everything

If you’re training your entire body with just one band, there’s a problem. Your lower body is stronger than your upper body.

If one band is doing everything you’re wasting your time because the workout is too easy for you. And the bands going to wear out much faster.

Over Stretching The Band

This is where you’re taking the band to full stretch and beyond. If you find yourself doing this, use a band that produces more resistance, so you cannot stretch the band as far. Or use 2 bands together if you have to.

Don’t Get Them Wet

If your bands get wet, dry them off. If you’re sweating all over them, dry them off at the end of your workout. Don’t store them away until they are dry. Wet bands deteriorate faster over time. And mold may grow on the band.

How To Attach Your Band To A Fixed Point

A Door:

A door-anchor makes it easy for you to use a door as the anchor point for your bands. The great thing about door-anchors is, they are quick and easy to set up, and you can easily move them when you need to change the height of the band.

Around Poles Or Piping:

Is safe to attach your bands too.

Timber post with rounded edges:

If the edge feels smooth on your hands then it’s probably safe for your band. Just check your band from time to time to confirm this.

Square Edges:

If you have no choice except for a square edge. You can put a towel or thick piece of cardboard over the edge so your band is protected. Keep an eye on it just in case the towel or cardboard moves.

Do Resistance Bands Actually Build Muscle?

Regardless of what form of strength training you’re looking at using, all types of strength training operate under the same principle…. and that’s progressive overload.

To build muscle, you’ve got to increase the reps or add more resistance.

Muscles grow when you work them hard, which means working them close to their full capacity. Then, you give your muscles time to rest and recover.

When you use resistance bands you’re adding resistance to the movement which makes it harder and forces your muscles to get stronger and grow.

It all comes down to knowing what exercises build muscle and burn fat, and importantly, how to use your resistance bands.

WARNING: The following video isn’t a comedy show, this is what happens when resistance bands break


Resistance bands just like any piece of exercise equipment can break. If you take care of your bands, check them over before each workout, store them correctly, then they last much longer.

And more, use correct anchor points for attachment of your bands because you’ll find your bands last years longer and are safe for you to use.

The thicker the band, the more robust and durable the band is.

The flat thicker bands are more durable and longer-lasting than the round tubing bands.

At the end of the day, if you look after your workout equipment, you stay safe, have few issues, and get great results.

Now jump into this body shaping workout.

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