Best Over 40 Workout Routines For Men

get fit after 40

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If you want to lose weight, build muscle, look and feel better than you ever have, and importantly train in a safe way, then this quick-to-read yet valuable article shows you how.

That’s because what you’re about to discover here are proven principles for getting into great shape after 40. They won’t instantly change your body overnight or even this week, however, the methods are potent over time.

Now let’s rip in…

The 5 Biggest Mistakes Most 40+ Years Old’s Make With Their Training

Mistake #1: Live In The Past

Just because you squatted, lifted, or did whatever years ago doesn’t mean you can walk into a gym today, rack up the same weights and go for it. You get older so your training must evolve.

Mistake #2: Do Too Much Too Soon

When did you last work out? Have you ever worked out? If working out is new to you, or you’re getting back into it after a long layoff. Be smart. Ease yourself back into your workout routines.

Mistake #3: Don’t Follow A Workout Plan

Maps show you how to get to a place you’ve never been before. If you don’t follow a workout plan, and you’re not sure what you’re doing. It’s hard to get results.

Mistake #4: Follow A Workout Plan Written By Someone Younger

The ripped guy in his 30’s who says workout 5-6 days a week doesn’t understand that can quickly destroy your joints.

Mistake #5: Impatient

The unwanted weight doesn’t appear on your belly overnight. Which means, it won’t suddenly disappear overnight because you want it to. Stop looking for quick fixes. We’ll get you in shape, it just won’t happen this week.

Can You Build Muscle Over 40?

Research shows people in their 60’s who followed strength workout routines got stronger and increased muscle mass.

Yes, you can build muscle over 40. Strength training is how you build muscle, and you’ve got to use progressive overload. Progressive overload is when you gradually increase the weight, frequency, or number of repetitions in your strength training routine.

Because if you do the same reps, sets, and weights, week in week out nothing changes for you.

What Exercises Not To Do After 40?

You’re working out because you want to look and feel great. You want to be healthy and go on exciting adventures. So, the last thing you want is to injure yourself.

Exercises you shouldn’t do, are ones that put you at greater risk of getting injured.

For example…

A barbell across your shoulders for back squats puts more pressure on your spine.

If you’re tall with long leavers deadlifts aren’t a great exercise for you because they put your back at risk, and it’s harder to get into the correct lifting position
Bench press with a barbell can lead to shoulder issues

Kettlebells or dumbbells can get used in your workout routines instead of a barbell. Potent leg builders like Lunges and Bulgarian squats don’t put downward pressure on your spine.

A dumbbell bench press or kettlebell bench press allows you to hold your arms in a neutral grip position protecting your shoulder joints.

How Often Should A 40 Year Old Male Exercise?

Let’s take a look at your lifestyle…

There’s work, maybe kids, there’s some stress, quality of sleep you get, do you have some injury or medical condition. All this needs to get taken into consideration because how often you should exercise depends on the above and more.

In a perfect world, you do something every day. Let’s say you do a split strength training program. Upper one day, lower the next.

  • Monday: Upper body
  • Tuesday: Lower body
  • Wednesday: Walk
  • Thursday: Upper body
  • Friday: Lower
  • Saturday: Walk or hike in nature
  • Sunday: Walk, or hike in nature or swim or bike ride

However, the above may not be possible for you because your life is super-busy. Your workout week could look like this…

  • Monday: Full body strength workout
  • Tuesday: Nothing
  • Wednesday: Nothing
  • Thursday: Full body strength workout
  • Friday: Nothing
  • Saturday: Playing with the kids in the backyard
  • Sunday: Family walk and bike ride

If this was the case, that’s fine. If that’s all you can do great. I’d suggest getting a few walks in when you can. And playing in the yard with the kids is a workout.

Having some workout equipment at home makes it easy to get a quick workout done.

How Can I Get Ripped In My 40s?

Here’s what ripped is…

Very low body fat with adequate muscle mass makes you look ripped. You can get ripped in your 40’s if you’re prepared to do what it takes to get there.

At 42 years of age, I live around 10% body fat all year round. I don’t tell you this to brag, only to show you that when you get your nutrition and training dialed in you get results.

Let me lay it out for you.

You’ve got to eat healthy 90% of the time, strength train, walk, get quality sleep, reduce stress, and cut back on alcohol consumption.

And get this…

For Fat Loss And Muscle Growth Eat Similar Meals


Because it makes it easy to make any adjustments. This is one of the secrets people in great shape use. But you’ve got to eat the right foods. Clean healthy foods, with little to no processed foods.

Example of similar meals…

  • Breakfast: Protein source with veggies
  • Lunch: Protein source with 3-4 veggies sweet potato or rice
  • Dinner: Protein source with 3-4 veggies sweet potato or rice

Your protein intake is critical because that’s what your muscles love, and protein makes you feel fuller for longer. If you work on 1 pound of protein per pound of body weight.

The thing about veggies is, a lot of men don’t eat the recommended daily amount. If you start your first meal of the day with veggies you’re already on your way to greater health, less fat, and more muscle.

How Do I Start Working Out At 45?


Are you going to work out at home, go to the gym, or what?

Whatever you choose to do, you’ve got to ease yourself into it. You don’t want to hurt yourself, pull muscles, or do your back in. And you’ve got to get used to the movement patterns of the different exercises.

And don’t jump straight into any high-intensity exercise. The high intensity maybe a little too high for heart.

If you’re unhealthy, haven’t done anything ever, or done anything for a long time, I strongly suggest you visit a doctor for a medical check-up.

Once you’ve done that here’s one way you can go about it.

Start walking 5 days a week for at least 30-minutes a day.

If you’re busy, do 15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes in the evening. Walking is physically and mentally healthy for you. And great for weight loss when combined with strength training.

Strength Training:

Get a set of resistance bands, from beginners to men who’ve worked out for decades resistance bands are handy and effective equipment to use.


  • Warm-up 1-2 minutes some push-ups, bodyweight squats, glute bridges, banded rows, get your body moving.
  • Banded Face-Pulls: Works your back and rear delt
  • Banded Seated Row: Works your back muscles
  • Bodyweight Squats: Works your legs
  • Bodyweight Lunges: Works your legs and glutes (or walking lunges)
  • Glute Bridges: Great for your glutes
  • Push-Ups: Builds a bigger chest and shoulders

If you want to go to a gym, the above is still a great way to start because it gets you used to the movement patterns, and unlike some gym machines, gets you using a full range of motion.

Take lunges, they are a potent leg exercise, yet few men do them instead they do leg press. Why? Because lunges are harder, some guys struggle to get down because they are inflexible, and some can’t coordinate the movement pattern, so they give up and only do the leg press machine.

Learn to lunge and you give yourself strong, powerful, defined leg muscles that can handle wilderness adventures.

What About Compound Exercises?

You may have read or heard compound exercises mentioned. They are things like back squats, deadlifts, bench press. Compound exercises are pointless and dangerous for older men who are out of shape and have limited lifting experience.

How Many Sets And Reps Should You Do In Your Workout Routines?

Who knows how many reps you can actually do at the start…

Maybe you can only do 3 sets of 5 reps for some exercises and that’s all. Great. Each workout you’ll try to add another rep.

Sets of 15 reps+ aren’t the best way to go for older men, it’s more work for your joints. The higher 15 reps can lead to inflamed joints. Plus, if you’ve got old sporting or work injuries, sets of 15 reps are going to bust you up.

Sets of 8-12 reps is a good range to work within.

Can I Start Lifting Weights At 40? Here’s What You Need To Know If You Go To The Gym

Gyms have a lot of equipment and all sorts of machines you can use like leg extension, shoulder press and some billion more machines. When you first set foot on the gym floor it can feel a little overwhelming and intimidating.

You don’t need all that confusing equipment, keep it simple for yourself. If you don’t know what you’re doing, you’re out of shape, and this is all new to you, try this.

Gym Workout:

  • Warm-up – some push-ups, bodyweight squats, banded rows. Rest between sets 60-90 seconds.
  • Workout:
  • Seated Rows 2 sets 10 reps-12
  • Push-Ups (If too hard, use the seated press machine) 2 sets 10-12 Reps
  • Lat Pulldown 2 sets 10 reps-12 (Or banded pull ups)
  • Bodyweight Squats or with a dumbbell 3 sets of 8-12 reps
  • Bodyweight Lunges or with a dumbbell 3 sets of 8-12 reps

You’ll notice there’s not a lot of actual gym equipment used. Why? Squats and lunges accelerate the results you get. And they engage more muscles. Because why go to a gym and sit on equipment when you probably sit for a significant amount of your life.

I went to the gym all through my 20’s and 30’s you could spot new people. They went from machine to machine. Years later, they still can’t squat, lunge or do normal basic movement patterns.

And worse, years after first coming to the gym they’ve made very little, to no progress at all with their body.

How Can I Build My Strength After 40?

You’ve got to do some form of strength training. Go to a gym, workout at home, or a park.

Whatever you choose to do, you’ve got use progressive overload. Let me show you…

Let’s say you’re working out with gymnastic rings and you’re doing ring dips. Your strong, and you can bust out 3 sets of 10-12 reps each set.

To make it harder and force your muscles to grow and get stronger here’s what you can do.

Do more reps, use a weighted vest, or slow your reps down. You decide to slow the reps down, here’s how you do that.

In the dip position, you lower yourself down on a count of 3 seconds, when your biceps touch the rings you drive back up and repeat. Now you can only get 7-9 reps out each set. That’s because your muscles are now under tension for longer periods of time.

With your legs if you’re working out at home, one leg at a time exercises are great for building strength if you don’t have much equipment available to you.

If you own a set of resistance bands they come in real handy for smashing your legs at home.

How Often Should A Man Over 40 Weight Train?

If you’re doing a full-body workout 2-3 times per week is plenty. If you’re doing upper body, lower body split that’s 4 days a week you’ll train.

Here’s the thing…

If you’re training too often your body tells you. If your body always feels tired and beat up, cut back your training days.

If you’re getting injuries and your joints are hurting, cut it back. You can get results from strength training 2-3 days per week.

I train upper body Tuesday and Friday and lower body Monday and Thursday. Depending on how busy my week is and what’s happening in my life, sometimes I feel my body’s a little tired, and I’m not recovering from sessions. I might have an extra day to recover or have a lighter session so keep myself moving.

Listen to your body. There’s being lazy and there’s listening to your body.

Can You Still Build Muscle At 40?

The great news is you can build muscle at any age. Eat healthy, strength train, get sleep, reduce stress and you build muscle. Treat your body as the most valuable asset you own, because it is.

If you’re like most men you want to look, feel great, and you want to move well. Great around health is the key because the older you get the more important your health becomes to you.

Now go train safely and build some muscle.

Minimal Equipment For Home Workouts That Delivers Maximum Muscle Results With Fat Loss

  • Resistance Bands
  • Gymnastic Rings (Just about the only thing required for building muscle up top)
  • Kettlebells Or Dumbbells (Can use them with resistance bands for extra resistance)

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